Declaration of performance (DOP)

Maestro 3 ecoline - CPR-2025/01/14

Product type Freestanding stove
Type Maestro 3 ecoline
Serial Number See EN-label
Intended use of the product Room heater, without hot water supply
Fuel Solid fuel

Manufacturer Lotus Heating Systems A/S
Address of the manufacturer Agertoften 6
5550 Langeskov DK
System of assessment and verification of constancy of performance of
the product. AVCP
System 3
Harmonized tecnical specification EN EN EN 13 240:2001/A2:2004/AC:2007 : 2001/A2:2004/AC:2007 : 2001/A2:2004/AC:2007
Notified Laboratory Reihn-Ruhr Feuerstätten Prüfstelle, 1625
Test report: RRF ITT 23 6431

Declared performance

Essential characteristics Performance
Harmonized tecnical specification
Reaction to fire

Distance to combustible materials Minimum distance rear: 100mm
Sides: 100mm
Front: 800mm

Risk of burning fuel falling out Pass
Emission of combustion products CO:  %
CO: 176 mg/Nm³
Dust: 8 mg/Nm³
Dust NS: g/kg dried wood
OGC: 29 mg/Nm³
NOx: 89 mg/Nm³
EN EN EN 13 240:2001/A2:2004/AC:2007 : 2001/A2:2004/AC:2007:
Surface temperature

Cleanability Pass
Mechanical resistance(cary a flue) Pass
Risk of fuel falling out Pass
Norminal heat output 6,7 KW

Energy efficency 88 %
Flue gas temperature at nominal heat output 190 °C

Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer by.

Lars U. Borch, CEO / Managing Director Lotus Heating Systems A/S